Gifted Education



District Philosophy

Gifted students can be identified during the earliest years and exist in all ethnic, geographic, and socio-economic groups. These students possess abilities differing from those of their peers to such a degree that differentiated educational services must be provided to help them reach their full potential.

Referral Process

Students who demonstrate outstanding abilities and skills may be referred at any time during the school year by a teacher, parent, student, or other community member. The referral forms can be obtained from the gifted resource teacher. The gifted resource teacher collects information from various sources and then submits the forms and records to a Gifted Identification and Placement Committee consisting of teachers, school administrators, and other professional educators. The committee reviews the student’s records, test scores, and performance data to determine student eligibility. Written parental permission must be on file before a student can receive services through the Gifted Education Program.

Identification Criteria

The following criteria are used by the Gifted Identification and Placement Committee to determine a student’s eligibility for Gifted Education Services:

  • Aptitude Tests
  • Achievement Tests
  • Behavioral Rating Scales
  • Other valid and reliable measures

Two of three criteria indicating superior performance (97th percentile or greater) are required to support a gifted identification. One of those two criteria must be a nationally-normed aptitude test. No single criterion may be used to include or exclude a student for eligibility. Students are identified as General Intellectual Aptitude (GIA) or Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA).

Services Available K - 12

Student services at each school are structured to match the developmental needs of the students. Different services are available at each level and include the following:

  • Acceleration
  • Cluster Grouping
  • Pull-out Lessons
  • Problem Based Learning
  • Interdisciplinary Lessons
  • Saturday and Summer Enrichment Programs
  • Academic and Creative Competitions

Parent Involvement

Parents and community members are encouraged to be actively involved in the education of gifted learners. Opportunities include:

  • Gifted Advisory Committee Meetings
  • School Activities and Conferences
  • Math/Science Center Programs

Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted

The school years are a time of tremendous change in a young person’s life. They can be especially challenging for many gifted students, which is why it is imperative that their social and emotional needs are understood. 


CLICK HERE to view KWCPS Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted.


For more information on the gifted program please contact:

Dr. Stephanie Bassett

[email protected]

(804) 769-3434 ext. 507

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